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Plans for the long weekend?

Listening to: A Perfect Circle – Thirteenth Step

Mood: Determined

We are one workday away from a 3-day weekend and of course everyone around the office is asking each other about plans for the long weekend. Going somewhere fun? Staying in town? BBQ’s to attend? I mean, it’s the start of the summer right? (Not really in Seattle though, because our summer doesn’t start until after 4th of July.) So while people are chatting it up about all their exciting plans, I am quietly enthusiastic about mine. What am I going to be doing?

It’s going to be epic. It’s going to be amazeballs. Well, in my head at least.

Editing. Writing. Editing some more. Yep, I plan on taking advantage of my long weekend by spending time shining up BLOODBIRD further, crafting its synopsis (the bane of my existence), and working on my WIP YA Fantasy. Sure I’ll have to attend a BBQ or two. Run errands and take care of the usual weekend things. My dogs and the Hubs will need some attention too. But I fully plan on taking advantage of the extra day of not working the day job to focus on my writing as much as possible. This might sound boring to some (obviously those who aren’t writers), but not to me. The Hubs is awesome, so he understands where my attention will be for most of the weekend. And even when I’m not writing (perhaps running one of those errands), he knows where my mind will be. I live in my head all the time. When I’m not writing, I’m thinking about writing. I’m thinking about my characters. I’m jotting things down in my notebook.

So basically I plan to be super productive. I know that when the weekend’s over, I’ll have accomplished quite a few of the goals I’ve laid out for myself to tackle. It’s going to be the perfect weekend.

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